we can
do more!
We need~
your help

We're a nonprofit that relies on support from people like you. With your donation, Mama Laoshi Club will be able to thrive and create more high-qulaity and exciting content for the kids and their families. Together, we can help equip our children to build a better world for the generation to come. Join us!

We're a nonprofit that relies on support from people like you. With your donation, Mama Laoshi Club will be able to thrive and create more high-qulaity and exciting content for the kids and their families. Together, we can help equip our children to build a better world for the generation to come. Join us!
Q: Is this donation tax deductible? Q: 這筆捐款可以免稅嗎?
A: We are a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. (U.S. donots only)
答:我們是在美國註冊的 501(c)3 非營利組織,你的捐款在美國法律規定下是可以免稅。要申請稅款扣除,請保留你的電子郵件捐款收據作為您的正式記錄. (僅限美國)
Q: Can I donate by check? Q: 我可以透過支票捐款嗎?
A: Yes! Please make your check payable to Mama Laoshi Club, and mail it to: Mama Laoshi Club 751 Sproul Rd. #1021, Springfield, PA 19064 USA
答:可以!請將支票抬頭寫為 Mama Laoshi Club,並郵寄至:Mama Laoshi Club 751 Sproul Rd. #1021, Springfield, PA 19064 USA
Q: Can I donate in a currency other than the US dollars Q:我可以用美元以外的貨幣捐款嗎?
A: Yes! We accept all major credi cards, and the US dollar amount you donated will be converted into your local currency by your bank. Please note that there might be conversion fees imposed by the bank.
Q: Do you accept employee matching gift? Q: 請問你們接受企業等額捐贈嗎?
A: Yes. Many employers offer a Matching Gifts Program that can double or triple your personal gift to Mama Laishi club. Some employee matching programs require submitting proof of a donation (your recipet) through a company portal, and then the company will provide a matching gift. Other programs allow employees to donate through a company portal and have their donations matched automatically. If your company uses Beneivty, you will be able to find us there!
答:可以。有些公司提供等額贈福利計劃,是需要員工繳交捐款證明(我們提供的收據),然後公司會直接等額捐贈給我們。或是,有些公司提供員工直接利用線上平台入口捐款,並自動等額捐贈他們的捐款。如果您的公司使用 Beneivty,媽媽老師俱樂部有在該平台上登記註冊!