
Our journey began during the pandemic when Nancy Chang (aka Mama Laoshi), our founder, was homeschooling her daughter, Winter, through a range of hands-on learning projects—from STEAM activities to baking, gardening, and even house chores. During this time, Winter affectionately called her "Mama Laoshi," meaning "mom teacher" in Chinese—a name that perfectly captured the nurturing, educational bond they shared. What started as home videos blossomed into the creation of "Mama Laoshi Club," an educational nonprofit with a mission to inspire a love for exploration, learning, and growth in every child. We are dedicated to helping children grow into their better selves—curious, competent, with good character. With the support of mentors and donors, our team has grown from Nancy working alone to a small yet mighty group of children's content experts and creatives, each bringing a wealth of experience in education, learning, and media creation.
我們的故事始於疫情期間,由於學校停課,當時我們的創辦人 Nancy 在家裡透過各種實踐學習計畫——從 STEAM 活動到烘焙、園藝,甚至家務事,來教育她的女兒 Winter。在這段特殊的時間,Winter 親切地稱呼她為「媽媽老師」,這個名稱深刻地反映了母女之間的養育和教育之情,也讓 Nancy 深刻體會到自己在孩子成長過程中的角色和責任。從一開始自己在家製作影片,到後來發展為非營利教育組織『媽媽老師俱樂部』,Nancy和志同道合的家長們都是抱著同樣的使命,希望能點燃每個孩子對探索、學習和成長的熱愛,幫助他們成為更好的自己-充滿好奇、勇於探索,具備多元能力和優良品格。在許多人的幕後支持下,我們的團隊已從Nancy獨自工作發展成為一個由教育專家和創意人員組成的團隊。

Mama Laoshi
Nancy Chang the real-life Mama Laoshi, is the founder, host, and executive producer of Mama Laoshi Club. Born and raised in Taiwan, she currently lives in the US with her family. Nancy earned a law degree from National Taiwan University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Before launching Mama Laoshi, she worked as a management consultant at McKinsey and as a product manager in the tech industry.
Inspired by motherhood, Nancy pivoted her career toward a new path—one focused on creating a positive impact and a better world for her daughters and all children. Her daughters, Winter and Summer, are her greatest sources of motivation and life lessons. Passionate about using her knowledge and privilege to drive social impact, she believes education is one of the most powerful pathways to achieve it. With her multicultural background and experience across different fields, she is also committed to bringing people from diverse backgrounds together through her work.
When she's not creating content, Nancy enjoys intense HIIT workouts with Baba Laoshi and engaging in meaningful, thought-provoking conversations with people from all walks of life.
張乃筠(Nancy Chang),是真實生活中的“媽媽老師”,也是《媽媽老師俱樂部》的創辦人、主持人及執行製作人。她在台灣出生長大,現居美國。Nancy 畢業於國立台灣大學法律系,並擁有哈佛商學院的MBA學位。在成為“媽媽老師”之前,Nancy曾在麥肯錫擔任管理顧問,也曾在科技行業擔任產品經理。

Chief Learning Officer
Sofia is the Chief Learning Officer at Mama Laoshi, where she combines her passion for education, storytelling, and creativity to ignite curiosity in children and families. She holds an Ed. D in Human Development and Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. A mother raising multicultural and multilingual children, Sofia knows firsthand the importance, the joy, and challenges of fostering curiosity and anti-fragility in young minds. At Mama Laoshi, Sofia leads the way in content production and innovation development, ensuring every piece of content reflects the Mama Laoshi vision. Sofia is an avid traveler, a lover of culinary arts, and a curious human who believes in lifelong learning. She is mom to 3 beautifully curious children, and currently resides in Southern California.
Sofia是媽媽老師俱樂部的首席教學長。她熱衷於結合教育、敘事和創意,來點燃孩子與家庭的好奇心。她擁有哈佛教育研究生院的「人類發展與教育」教育學博士學位(Ed.D)。作為一位在多元文化、多語環境下養育孩子的媽媽,Sofia深刻體會到在孩子的成長過程中,培養好奇心與「抗挫力」的重要性、挑戰與樂趣。她把自己對教育的熱情和使命感結合到了媽媽老師俱樂部的工作中,負責內容製作和創新開發,確保每一部影片不僅有趣、客觀、嚴謹,更充分體現媽媽老師俱樂部的願景:鼓勵孩子探索、學習、成長,並在家庭和社群的支持下,保持好奇,發展能力,增強品格。Sofia 對世界充滿了好奇,也是三個好奇寶寶的媽媽。在工作之餘,她喜歡無氧健身、旅行、烹飪和騎行,目前與家人住在美國南加州。

Podcast Rockstar
Hannah's journey has taken her across Japan, China, and now the U.S., where she brings a rich blend of cultural experiences and perspectives to everything she does. A graduate of the Tokyo Institute of Technology with a master degree in Chemical Engineering, Hannah has channeled her love for science into her work as the producer of the podcast ""Ask Mama Laoshi."" Through this podcast, she accompanies curious young minds as they explore the world and cultivate a lifelong habit of asking questions and embarking on adventures to discover answers.
As a mother to a seven-year-old, Hannah is passionate about encouraging curiosity both at home and through her work. Outside of producing, she’s an adventure-loving spirit who enjoys camping, hiking, diving, and skiing—often with her child by her side. For her, the greatest joy comes from seeing the spark of curiosity in her child’s eyes as they explore and learn together.
Hannah的旅程跨越了日本、中國,現在又到了美國。她將豐富的文化經驗和觀點融入她所做的每一件事中。Hannah畢業於東京工業大學,獲得化學工程碩士學位。她把自己對科學的熱愛了結合在播客「媽媽老師,我想問問題!」的製作人工作中。 透過這個播客,她陪伴好奇的孩子探索世界,並養成提出問題和冒險尋找答案的習慣。

Growth Captain
Growing up in Taiwan, Patty earned her degree from National Taiwan University before furthering her education at New York University. Amazed by the neon light, skyline and people from all around the world, Patty decided to challenge herself and jump start her career in the Big Apple. After successfully navigating the advertising and software industries, Patty recently took on a job that’s close to her heart, and helped establish one of the very first Chinese children libraries in the U.S.. Patty joined Mama Laoshi in 2024 to continue her love of education. Now based in Northern California, she balances her professional life with her vibrant family of 4. When she is not in front of her computer, you will find her shuttling her kids, walking the dog, and playing tennis.
Patty在台灣長大,台大畢業後,到了紐約大學繼續深造。在紐約,Patty愛上了大城市和能與來自世界各地的人交流的機會,她決定挑戰自己,選擇紐約開始她的職業生涯。在成功涉足廣告和軟體產業後,Patty 近年跨足非營利組職,幫助建立了在美數一數二的的華人兒童圖書館。目前居於北加州,Patty 以平衡專業和家庭生活為目標。不工作的時候,你可以在載小孩的車上,遛狗的路上,或是網球場上看到Patty的身影。

Operation Master
Zoey is a brand consultant who started out as a product and visual designer. Since 2018, she’s been running her own business from home, teaching all things branding and Design-Thinking. As a long-time digital nomad, Zoey has learned to navigate the ups and downs of remote work and is constantly exploring new ways to improve productivity and personal effectiveness. Along with hosting her podcast, “佐編茶水間”, she’s also helping Mama Laoshi streamline their workflow, making team collaboration smoother, smarter, and more fun.
These days, Zoey and her partner are settled in the U.S. East Coast, and they’ve chosen to experiment with a lifestyle of moving to a new city every two years before starting a family. So far, they’ve lived in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Michigan, and are considering New York, Japan, or Paris as their next stop. Stay tuned for what’s next!
Zoey 是一名品牌顧問。以產品和視覺設計師起步,自2018 年以來,她一直在家中經營自己的企業,教授品牌和設計思維。作為一名長期的數位遊牧者,Zoey學會如何導航遠距工作中的起起落落,並不斷探索提高生產力和效率的新方法。除了主持她的播客「佐編茶水間」外,Zoey近期加入了媽媽老師,協助旅居世界各地的團隊工作更加順暢、有效率。
Zoey 和她的伴侶目前定居在美國東岸,他們嘗試在建立家庭之前每兩年搬到一個新城市:到目前為止,他們已經住在洛杉磯、舊金山和密西根州,並正在考慮紐約、日本或巴黎作為下一站。敬請期待!